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These Law Reform Commission publications are part of a collection dating back to 1966. Each publication deals with the law at the time it was first published and may not necessarily represent the current law. For advice concerning the current law please consult your legal practitioner.
Working Papers were the Commission's main consultative documents in the period 1968-1983. The series is now dormant.
WP22 (1983) Accident Compensation Working Paper 1: A Transport Accidents Scheme for New South Wales (and Outline)
WP21 (1979) Illegally and Improperly Obtained Evidence
WP20 (1978) The Course of the Trial
WP19 (1978) Evidence of Disposition
WP18 (1978) Administration Bonds
WP17 (1976) The Courts
WP16 (1976) The Rule against Hearsay
WP15 (1975) Enforcement of Money Judgments: Draft Proposal
WP14 (1975) Procedure (Common Law Pleadings; Scott Schedules) (PDF, 185.2 KB)
WP13 (1975) The Sale of Goods: Warranties, Remedies, Frustration and Other Matters
WP12 (1974) Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act 1916 (PDF, 7.2 MB) [PDF 7.22Mb]
WP11 (1973) Commercial Arbitration
WP10 (1973) Powers of Attorney (PDF, 247.0 KB)
WP9 (1972) Evidence: Business Records
WP8 (1972) Legislative Powers (PDF, 5.5 MB)
WP7 (1971) The Mental Health Act 1958
WP6 (1971) Special Constables
WP5 (1969) Liability for Animals
WP4 (1969) Covenants in Restraint of Trade
WP3 (1969) Occupier's Liability
WP2 (1969) Deferred Assessment of Damages for Personal Injuries and Interim Payments During the Period of Postponement of Assessment and on the Relevance of Remarriage or Prospects of Remarriage in an Action Under Lord Campbell's Act
WP1 (1968) Defamation
05 Feb 2025
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