Cheating at Gambling

Reference received: 5 January 2011​


Report 130: Cheating at gambling (PDF, 2.8 MB) [PDF, 2Mb], August 2011

  • ​Tabled in parliament: 26 August 2011
  • Legislative action: Crimes Amendment (Cheating at Gambling) Act 2012(NSW); Criminal Law Consolidation (Cheating at Gambling) Amendment Act 2013 (SA); Crimes Amendment (Integrity in Sports) Act 2013 (Vic); Criminal Code (Cheating at Gambling) Amendment Act 2013 (ACT); Criminal Code Amendment (Cheating at Gambling) Act 2013 (NT)

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Terms of Reference

Pursuant to section 10 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1967, the Law Reform Commission is to review the coverage of the criminal law in relation to cheating at gambling. In undertaking this inquiry, the Commission should have regard to:

  • The common law offence of conspiracy to cheat and defraud and its possible repeal 
  • The scope of Part 4AA of the Crimes Act 1900 and s 18 of the Unlawful Gambling Act 1998
  • Provisions in other jurisdictions, including the Gambling Act 2005 (UK) 
  • Conduct directed at fixing results or individual events in the course of sporting and other activities which may be the subject of spot or spread betting; and  
  • Any other related matter.

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