Preliminary submissions

Preliminary Submissions

PEGP01 Confidential (Received June 2013)

PEGP02 The Public Defender, NSW (PDF, 80.9 KB) (PDF, 80.9 KB) (Received June 2013)

PEGP03 Paul Shaw (PDF, 2.2 MB) (PDF, 2.2 MB) (Received June 2013)

PEGP04 Legal Aid NSW (PDF, 91.3 KB) (PDF, 91.3 KB) (Received June 2013)

PEGP05 Chief Magistrate of the NSW Local Court (PDF, 29.1 KB) (PDF, 29.1 KB) (Received June 2013) 

PEGP06 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, NSW (PDF, 58.2 KB) (PDF, 58.2 KB) (Received June 2013)

PEGP07 Peter Lowe (PDF, 571.8 KB) (PDF, 571.8 KB)​ (Received June 2013)

PEGP08 NSW Bar Association (PDF, 51.5 KB) (PDF, 51.5 KB) (Received July 2013)

PEGP09 Aboriginal Legal Service (PDF, 216.4 KB) (PDF, 216.4 KB) (Received July 2013)

PEGP10 NSW Young Lawyers (PDF, 235.6 KB) (PDF, 235.6 KB) (Received July 2013)

PEGP11 Confidential (Received September 2013)

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We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the ongoing connection Aboriginal people have to this land and recognise Aboriginal people as the original custodians of this land.

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