Criminal appeals

​Reference received: 1 March 2013

​Report ​​​

​​​​​Report 140: Criminal appeals  (PDF, 2.5 MB)​​, March 2014

  • Tabled in parliament​: 18 June 2014​​

Question Paper 1

Question paper 1: Criminal appeals p​reliminar​y issues (PDF, 550.5 KB), July 2013



Terms of reference

Refer to the Law Reform Commission an inquiry, pursuant to section 10 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1967, aimed at improving and consolidating legislative provisions dealing with criminal appeals.

Specifically, the Commission is to review current avenues of appeals in all criminal matters, with a view to simplifying and streamlining appeal processes, and consolidating criminal appeal provisions into a single Act.

In undertaking this review the Commission should have regard to:

  • the balance between the need for finality and the need to provide fair opportunity for appeal
  • the need to provide for timely resolution of criminal appeal matters
  • the characteristics and needs of the courts from and to which appeals lie
  • any related matters the Commission considers appropriate.   ​
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