Access to personal information

Reference received: 1 June 2009 (expanded terms of reference).

Note: For related terms of reference, see Privacy (2006-2010)


Report 125: The Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners [PDF, 554Kb], December 2009


Report 126: Access to personal information [PDF, 852Kb], February 2010

Other papers

The Ombudsman's Review of the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW) [PDF, 418Kb], ​March 2009

Privacy and access to personal information: points for discussion [PDF, 43Kb], July 2009

Terms of reference

Pursuant to section 10 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1967 (NSW), the Law Reform Commission is also to inquire and report on the legislation and policies governing the handling of access applications for personal information of persons other than the applicant under the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (or any successor legislation).

In undertaking this review, the Commission is to consider in particular:

  • The adequacy of the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (and any successor legislation) concerning the handling of access applications for personal information in ensuring effective protection of individuals' privacy.
  • The adequacy of existing policies, and whether any new policies should be recommended, for the handling of access applications for personal information of persons other than the applicant.
  • The circumstances in which agencies should refuse to provide access to personal information of persons other than the applicant on public interest, including privacy, considerations.
  • The extent to which public interest, including privacy, considerations against disclosure apply in respect of access applications for personal information of public officials.
  • The intersection of, and desirability for a consistent legislative approach to, the treatment of personal information under the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (and any successor legislation) and other legislation that is concerned with the protection of an individual's privacy.
  • Any related matters. ​​
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