
Reference received: 2 July 1996


Report 108, Surveillance: final report (PDF, 501.6 KB), May 2005

  • Tabled in parliament: 20 June 2007 

Report 98: Surveillance: an interim report (PDF, 1.5 MB), February 2001

  • Tabled in parliament: 6 December 2001

Issues paper

Issues Paper 12: Surveillance, May 1997

Terms of reference

To inquire into and report on the following matters:

  • the current scope and operation of the Listening Devices Act 1984 (NSW)
  • the need to regulate the use of visual surveillance equipment, and
  • any related matter.

In undertaking this review the Commission should have regard to:

  • the protection of the privacy of the individual;
  • the views and interests of users of surveillance technology, including law enforcement agencies, private investigators, and owners of private premises, such as banks, service stations and shops;
  • the use of surveillance technology in public places.

In making this reference the Attorney draws the Commission's attention to the Government's proposals for the introduction of privacy and data protection legislation and to the current review of the issue of the regulation of workplace visual surveillance being conducted by the Department of Industrial Relations.

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