Review of section 409B of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)

Reference received: 2 December 1996 

​Note: Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) s 409B is now Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (NSW) s 2934CB - external site .


Report 87: Review of Section 409B of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) (PDF, 584.5 KB), November 1998

  • Tabled in parliament: 22 June 1999
  • Legislative action: None. But see Attorney General's Department of NSW, Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce, Responding to Sexual Assault: The Way Forward (2005) at 55-61

Issue paper

​Issue Paper 14: Review of Section 409B of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) - external site , November 1997

Terms of reference

To review the operation of section 409B of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) taking into account the purpose for which it was enacted and recent case law.

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