Interlocutory procedures: discovery and interrogatories

Reference received: 27 January 1998​

Note: See also Procedure (1973-1978)

Terms of reference

1. To inquire into and report upon the extent to which current interlocutory procedures in the Supreme Court and District Court unduly delay or increase the cost of the conduct of civil common law and equity proceedings in these courts, and in particular, under what conditions parties should be entitled to obtain:

(i) discovery and inspection;

(ii) further and better particulars of pleadings; and

(iii) interrogatories and answers to interrogatories.

2. To suggest improvements in the procedures of these courts in interlocutory matters, and in particular for obtaining:


(i) discovery and inspection;

(ii) further and better particulars of pleadings; and

(iii) interrogatories and answers to interrogatories


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