Registration and certification of births and deaths

Reference received: ​11 November 1985​


​​​Report 61: Names - Registration and Certification of Births and Deaths [PDF, 228Kb], December 1988

  • Tabled in parliament: 8 May 1990
  • Legislative action: The Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) Act 1992 implements one of the recommendations contained in the Report.​​

Discussion paper

Discussion Paper 17: Names - Registration and Certification of Births and Deaths, December 1987​

Terms of reference

To inquire into and report on:

  1. Criteria for registration of the surname of a child of married and unmarried parents; registration procedures and acknowledgment of paternity in relation to an ex-nuptial child; details to be recorded in relation to births and deaths; provision of certificates omitting potentially embarrassing details appearing in a registration.
  2. Any related matter.
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