Limitation of Actions

Reference received: 5 March 1984 

Note: ​See also Limitation of actions (1967-1975)


Report 50: Limitation of Actions for Personal Injury Claims (PDF, 264.5 KB), October 1986

  • Tabled in parliament: 1 December 1986

Terms of reference

To inquire and report on the following matters:

  1. Whether section 60 of the Limitation Act 1969 should be amended to allow the Supreme Court to grant extensions of time to sue in respect of death claims on the same terms as that currently existing for other personal injury claims.
  2. Whether the Limitation Act 1969 should be reconsidered generally insofar as it applies to personal injury claims, to ascertain the need for an additional general discretion under this legislation broad enough to allow courts to prevent a particular injustice which might arise in the application of specific clauses.
  3. Any incidental matter.
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