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Reference received: 16 September 1976
The reference was divided into the following topics:
Note: See also Legal Practitioners Act (1966); Scrutiny of the legal profession (1991-1993); Barristers' practising certificates (1992-1994); Review of Part 10 of the Legal Profession Act 1987 (NSW) (2000-2001)
Report 31: First Report on the Legal Profession: General Regulation and Structure (PDF, 743.1 KB), April 1982
Discussion Paper 1: The Legal Profession - General Regulation, April 1979
Discussion Paper 3: The Legal Profession: Professional Indemnity Insurance (PDF, 5.6 MB), December 1979
Background Paper 2: The Legal Profession: Professional Indemnity Insurance (PDF, 4.0 MB), January 1980
Discussion Paper 4: The Legal Profession - Structure of the Profession (Parts 1 and 2), May 1981
Background Paper 4: The Legal Profession - Structure of the Profession, August 1981
Report 32: Second Report on the Legal Profession: Complaints, Discipline and Professional Standards (PDF, 345.5 KB), April 1982
Discussion Paper 2: The Legal Profession: Complaints, Discipline and Professional Standards, April 1979
Background Paper 1: The Legal Profession: Complaints, Discipline and Professional Standards, May 1979
Background Paper 3: The Legal Profession: Complaints, Discipline and Professional Standards, October 1980
Report 33: Third Report on the Legal Profession: Advertising and Specialisation (PDF, 451.6 KB), July 1982
Discussion Paper 5: The Legal Profession: Advertising and Specialisation, October 1981
Report 44: Fourth Report on the Legal Profession - Solicitors' Trust Accounts [PDF, 1Mb], December 1984
Discussion Paper 6: The Legal Profession: Solicitors’ Trust Accounts and the Solicitors’ Fidelity Fund, October 1981
Background Paper 5: The Legal Profession: Solicitors’ Trust Accounts and the Solicitors’ Fidelity Fund, December 1981
Options Paper 1: Solicitors’ Costs and Conveyancing , January 1984
To inquire into and review the law and practice relating to the legal profession and to consider whether any and, if so, what changes are desirable in
(a) the structure, organization and regulation of that profession;
(b) the functions, rights, privileges and obligations of all legal practitioners; and
(c) the provisions of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1 898, and the rules and regulations made thereunder and other relevant legislation and instruments;
with particular reference to but not confined to the following matters:
(d) the division of the legal profession into two branches;
(e) the rights of audience of legal practitioners;
(f) the existence or otherwise of monopolies or restrictive practices within the profession;
(g) the right of senior counsel to appear without junior counsel;
(h) the fixing and maintenance of ethical standards;
(i) the making, investigation and adjudication of complaints concerning the professional competence or conduct of legal practitioners and the effectiveness of the investigation and adjudication of such complaints by professional organizations;
(j) the making, investigation and adjudication of complaints concerning charges made for work done by legal practitioners;
(k) the fixing and recovery of charges for work done by legal practitioners, including the charging by junior counsel of two-thirds of his senior's fee and the fixing of barristers' fees in advance for work to be done;
(l) the liability of legal practitioners for professional negligence and compulsory insurance in respect thereof;
(m) partnerships and the incorporation of legal practices;
(n) advertising;
(o) confidentiality;
(p) the certification of legal practitioners as specialists in particular fields;
(q) performance of conveyancing and other legal work other than by legal practitioners;
(r) fidelity guarantees and rules relating to the administration of guarantee funds;
(s) the Statutory Interest Account;
(t) the supervision by independent third parties of trust accounts of legal practitioners;
(u) the necessity for participation by legal practitioners in courses of continuing legal education;
but not including an examination of the provisions of the Legal Assistance Act, 1943, the Public Defenders Act, 1969, the Legal Practitioners (Legal Aid) Act, 1970, the role of the Law Foundation; or legal education prior to admission.
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