
Reference received: 29 June 1966

Note: For a subsequent review of the law of defamation, see  Defamation ​(1992-1995)


Report 11: Defamation (PDF, 441.9 KB), February 1971

  • Tabled in parliament: 20 April 1971
  • Legislative action: Defamation Act 1974                                        

Working paper

Working Paper 1: Defamation, September 1968

Terms of reference

To review the law and practices of the Courts in relation to libel and slander; and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to enquire into the extent to which the law and the practices of the Courts as at present existing in respect of Contempt, Libel and similar legislation hamper the Press in publishing facts of public interest and in editorially commenting thereon within the limit of what is necessary for the protection of the liberty of the subject and the security of the State.

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