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GA133 Peter Wood 27 November 2017
GA134 Michelle Tait 19 January 2018
GA135 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 23 January 2018
GA136 NSW Ombudsman 5 February 2018
GA137 NSW Council of Social Service 5 February 2018
GA138 Mental Health Coordinating Council 5 February 2018
GA139 Living with Disability Research Centre 7 February 2018
GA140 NSW Trustee and Guardian 8 February 2018
GA141 Dementia Australia 8 February 2018
GA142 National Mental Health Commission 8 February 2018
GA143 Physical Disability Council of NSW 8 February 2018
GA144 Council for Intellectual Disability 8 February 2018
GA145 Family Advocacy 9 February 2018
GA146 Australian Association of Gerontology 9 February 2018
GA147 NSW Council for Civil Liberties 9 February 2018
GA148 Mental Health Commission of NSW 9 February 2018
GA149 Associate Professor Nola Ries and Dr Elise Mansfield 9 February 2018
GA150 Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW Inc 9 February 2018
GA151 Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association 9 February 2018
GA152 NSW, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Clinical Ethics Committee 9 February 2018
GA153 MIGA 9 February 2018
GA154 People with Disability Australia 9 February 2018
GA155 National Disability Services 9 February 2018
GA156 Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre 10 February 2018
GA157 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 14 February 2018
GA158 Seniors Rights Service 15 February 2018
GA159 Justice Connect 16 February 2018
GA160 NSW Bar Association 15 February 2018
GA161 Carers NSW 19 February 2018
GA162 Benevolent Society 21 February 2018
GA163 Legal Aid NSW 26 February 2018
GA164 Law Society of NSW 27 February 2018
GA165 Hamish MacRae 28 February 2018
GA166 John Carter 4 March 2018
GA167 NSW Department of Family and Community Services 29 March 2018
GA01 Mental Health Coordinating Council (Received 24 September 2016) QP1
GA02 The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Received 13 October 2016) QP1
GA03 Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network (Received 12 October 2016) QP1
GA04 Seniors Rights Service (Received 14 October 2016) QP1
GA05 Aged and Community Services NSW and ACT (Received 13 October 2016) QP1
GA06 NSW Disability Network Forum (Received 13 October 2016) QP1
GA07 NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (Received 16 October 2016) QP1
GA08 Bridgette Pace (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA09 Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW Inc (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA10 Mental Health Carers NSW (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA11 Alzheimer's Australia NSW (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA12 Carers NSW (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA13 NSW Council of Social Service (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA14 Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA15 Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA16 Intellectual Disability Rights Service (Received 17 October 2016) QP1
GA17 Physical Disability Council of New South Wales (Received 18 October 2016) QP1
GA18 Legal Aid NSW (Received 18 October 2016) QP1
GA19 NSW Civil & Administration Tribunal - Guardianship Division (Received 18 October 2016) QP1
GA20 People with Disability Australia (Received 22 October 2016) QP1
GA21 Synapse (Received 24 October 2016) QP1
GA22 Stephanie Travers (Received 24 October 2016) QP1
GA23 Capacity Australia (Received 25 October 2016) QP1
GA24 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (Received 26 October 2016) QP1
GA25 Mental Health Commission of NSW (Received 27 October 2016) QP1
GA26 Miga (Received 27 October 2016) QP1
GA27 NSW Young Lawyers (Received 28 October 2016) QP1
GA28 NSW Trustee and Guardian (Received 28 October 2016) QP1
GA29 The Law Society of NSW (Received 8 November 2016) QP1
GA30 Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre and Disability Advocacy NSW (Received 31 October 2016) QP1
GA31 NSW Family and Community Services (Received 9 November 2016) QP1
GA32 Multicultural NSW (Received 29 November 2016) QP1
GA33 Scott Bell-Ellercamp (Received 16 December 2016) QP2
GA34 Mental Health Coordinating Council (Received 21 December 2016) QP2
GA35 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners NSW and ACT (Received 29 January 2017) QP2
GA36 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners NSW and ACT (Received 29 January 2017) QP3
GA37 Lyn Anderson (Received 23 January 2017) QP2
GA38 Lyn Anderson (Received 23 January 2017) QP3
GA39 NSW Disability Network Forum NSW and ACT (Received 25 January 2017) QP2
GA40 NSW Disability Network Forum NSW and ACT (Received 25 January 2017) QP3
GA41 Bridgette Pace (Received 27 January 2017) QP2
GA42 Bridgette Pace (Received 29 January 2017) QP3
GA43 Aged and Community Services NSW and ACT (Received 30 January 2017) QP2
GA44 Mental Health Carers NSW (Received 29 January 2017) QP3, QP3
GA45 The NSW Council of Social Service (Received 30 January 2017) QP2
GA46 The NSW Council of Social Service (Received 30 January 2017) QP3
GA47 The Disability Council NSW (Received 30 January 2017) QP3
GA48 Carers NSW (Received 30 January 2017) QP2
GA49 Carers NSW (Received 30 January 2017) QP3
GA50 Justice Health and Forensics Mental Health Network (Received 31 January 2017) QP2, QP3
GA51 BEING (Received 31 January 2017) QP2
GA52 John Quinlan (Received 31 January 2017) QP2
GA53 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists NSW Branch (Received 31 January 2017) QP2, QP3
GA54 Dawn Coombridge (Received 31 January 2017) QP3
GA55 NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Received 31 January 2017) QP2, QP3
GA56 Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre and Disability Advocacy (Received 31 January 2017) QP2
GA57 Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre and Disability Advocacy (Received 31 January 2017) QP3
GA58 Legal Aid NSW (Received 31 January 2017) QP2, QP3
GA59 NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (Received 31 January 2017) QP 2, QP3
GA60 Simon Lewis and Keerthi Muvva (Received 31 January 2017)
GA61 Senior Rights Service (Received 31 January 2017) QP2
GA62 Senior Rights Service (Received 31 January 2017) QP3
GA63 Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (Received 3 February 2017) QP2
GA64 People with Disability Australia (Received 6 February 2017) QP2
GA65 People with Disability Australia (Received 8 February 2017) QP3
GA66 The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Received 9 February 2017) QP2
GA67 John Quinlan (Received 10 February 2017) QP2, QP5
GA68 The NSW Mental Health Commission (Received 10 February 2017) QP2
GA69 The NSW Mental Health Commission (Received 10 February 2017) QP3
GA70 Intellectual Disability Rights Service (Received 12 February 2017) QP2
GA71 Intellectual Disability Rights Service (Received 12 February 2017) QP3
GA72 NSW Public Guardian (Received 20 February 2017) QP2
GA73 NSW Public Guardian (Received 20 February 2017) QP3
GA74 Law Society of NSW (Received 21 February 2017) QP2
GA75 Law Society of NSW (Received 21 February 2017) QP3
GA76 NSW Department of Family and Community Services (Received 25 February 2017) QP2
GA77 NSW Department of Family and Community Services (Received 25 February 2017) QP3
GA78 NSW Trustee and Guardian (Received 9 March 2017) QP2
GA79 NSW Trustee and Guardian (Received 9 March 2017) QP3
GA80 Confidential (Received 13 March 2017)
GA81 Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (Received 13 March 2017) QP6
GA82 Multicultural NSW (Received 5 April 2017) QP2, QP3
GA83 William Kinnaird (Received 13 April 2017)
GA84 Tasmania Department of Health and Human Services (Received 19 April 2017) QP5
GA85 House With No Steps (Received 4 May 2017)
GA87 Mental Health Coordinating Council (Received 10 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA88A Professor Ben White, Professor Lindy Willmott and Penny Neller (Received 10 May 2017) QP5
GA88B Kim Chandler, Professor Ben White, Professor Lindy Willmott and Penny Nellor (Received 12 May 2018) QP5
GA89 Mental Health Review Tribunal (Received 10 May 2017) QP5
GA90A Senior Rights Service (Received 11 May 2017) QP4
GA90B Senior Rights Service (Received 11 May 2017) QP5
GA90C Senior Rights Service (Received 11 May 2017) QP6
GA91 The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Received 11 May 2017) QP5
GA92 Bridgette Pace (Received 11 May 2017) QP4
GA93 Ries, Mansfield, Waller and Bryant (Received 11 May 2017) QP5
GA94 Prudentia Financial Planning (Received 12 May 2017) QP4
GA95 NSW Council of Social Services (Received 12 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA96 The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre (Received 12 May 2017) QP6
GA97 Avant Mutual Group Limited (Received 12 May 2017) QP5
GA98 Bill Kelly (Received 12 May 2017) QP4
GA99 June Walker (Received 12 May 2017) QP4
GA100 National Disability Services (Received 12 May 2017) QP5
GA101A NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Received 12 May 2017) QP4
GA101B NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Received 12 May 2017) QP5
GA102 Multicultural NSW (Received 12 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA103 Peter Deane (Received 15 May 2017) QP4, QP6
GA104 Coppin, O’Neill and Sebar (Received 12 May 2017) QP6
GA105 NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management (Received 18 May 2017) QP5
GA106 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (Received 18 May 2017) QP5
GA107 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (Received 17 May 2017) QP5
GA108 NSW Public Guardian (Received 17 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA109A Legal Aid NSW (Received 17 May 2017) QP4
GA109B Legal Aid NSW (Received 17 May 2017) QP5
GA109C Legal Aid NSW (Received 17 May 2017) QP6
GA110 NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Received 19 May 2017) QP6
GA111 Carers NSW (Received 19 May 2017) QP6
GA112A Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (Received 22 May 2017) QP4
GA112B Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (Received 22 May 2017) QP5
GA113 Council for Intellectual Disability (Received 23 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA114 Sexual Assault Services within Nepean Blue Mountains and Western Sydney Local Health Districts (Received 25 May 2017) QP5
GA115 MIGA (Received 25 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA116A Mental Health Commission of New South Wales (Received 29 May 2017) QP4
GA116B Mental Health Commission of New South Wales (Received 29 May 2017) QP5
GA116C Mental Health Commission of New South Wales (Received 29 May 2017) QP6
GA117 NSW Trustee & Guardian (Received 29 May 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA118A The Law Society of NSW (Received 2 June 2017) QP4
GA118B The Law Society of NSW (Received 2 June 2017) QP6
GA119A Being (Received 1 June 2017) QP4
GA119B Being (Received 1 June 2017) QP5
GA119C Being (Received 1 June 2017) QP6
GA120 Professor John Carter (Received 2 June 2017) QP5
GA121A Mental Health Carers NSW Inc (Received 5 June 2017) QP4
GA121B Mental Health Carers NSW Inc (Received 5 June 2017) QP5, QP6
GA122 NSW Young Lawyers Civil Litigation Committee (Received 8 June 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA123 The Law Society of NSW (Received 8 June 2017) QP5
GA124 Acting NSW Privacy Commissioner (Received 12 May 2017) QP6
GA125 NSW Department of Family and Community Services (Received 14 June 2017) QP4, QP5, QP6
GA126 NSW Disability Network Forum (Received 12 May 2017) QP4
GA127 NSW Disability Network Forum (Received 12 May 2017) QP5
GA128 NSW Disability Network Forum (Received 12 May 2017) QP6
GA129 Rodney Lewis (Received 26 June 2017) QP4
GA130 NSW Ministry of Health (Received 27 June 2017) QP5
25 Sep 2023
We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the ongoing connection Aboriginal people have to this land and recognise Aboriginal people as the original custodians of this land.