Relationships and the law

Note: See Defacto relationships for an earlier review of this area​​


Report 113: Relationships (PDF, 2.0 MB), June 2006

Prelimina​​ry paper​

Preliminary Paper: Relationships and the Law: Review of the Property (Relationships) Act 1984, February 2000

​​Discussion paper

Discussion Paper 44: Review of the Property (Relationships) Act 1984 (NSW) (PDF, 2.2 MB), April 2002

  • An Executive Summary of the Discussion Paper was also published.

Terms of reference

Reference received: 6 September 1999​

To inquire into and report on the operation of the Property (Relationships) Act 1984, with particular regard to: 

1. the financial adj​​ustment provisions of the Act and in particular:​​

(i) the effectiveness of section 20 in bringing about just and equitable adjustments of the parties' respective interests; and 

(ii) whether the current legislation is able to take into account superannuation entitlements effectively;​​

2. the process of decision-making or determination of rights; 

3. the Commission's Report No 36, De Facto Relationships (1983); 

4. the 1999 amendments incorporating the Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Act 1999 and the matters referred to the Legislative Council's Standing Committee on Social Issues regarding the rights and obligations of persons in interdependent personal relationships; and 

5. any related matter.​​


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