Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977

Reference received: 17 December 1991


Report 92: Review of the Anti Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) (PDF, 2.6 MB) [PDF, 2Mb], November 1999

  • Tabled in parliament: 4 April 2000

Discussion paper

​Discussion Paper 30: Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) (PDF, 1.1 MB) (PDF, 1.1 MB), February 1993

​Research report

​Research Report 8: Discrimination Complaints-handling: a study, June 1997

Terms of reference

To inquire into and report on the current scope and operation of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and any related issues.

[In conducting the review the Commission was asked to have regard to:

  • existing Commonwealth laws relating to anti-discrimination;
  • Australia's international human rights obligations as they relate to anti-discrimination; and
  • any related issues.
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