
​​Reference received: ​29 June 1966     

Reference extended: ​25 March 1975

Note: ​See also Review of the Evidence Act 1995 (2004-2005)


Report 17: Evidence (Business Records) (PDF, 274.5 KB), July 1973

Report 29: The Rule Against Hearsay, May 1978

Report 45: Criminal Procedure: Unsworn Statements of Accused Persons [PDF, 420Kb], October 1985

  • Tabled in parliament: 31 October 1985
  • Legislative action: No legislation was required to implement this Report. However, the right to make an unsworn statement was subsequently abolished by theCrimesLegislation(Unsworn Evidence) Amendment Act 1994 (NSW) which inserted s 404A into the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) (now Criminal Procedure Act 1986(NSW) s 31).​

Report 56: Evidence (PDF, 343.1 KB), June 1988

Working papers

Working Paper 9: Evidence (Business Records), 1972 

Working Paper 16: The Rule Against Hearsay, 1976

Working Paper 19: Evidence of Disposition, 1978

Working Paper 20: The Course of the Trial, 1978

Working Paper 21: Illegally and Improperly Obtained Evidence, 1979

Discussion papers 

Discussion Paper 7: ​Competence and Compellability (PDF, 1.8 MB), 1980

Discussion Paper 8: Oaths and Affirmations, 1980

Discussion Paper 9: Unsworn Statements of Accused Persons, May 1980

Terms of reference

To review the law of evidence in both civil and criminal cases.

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