Testator's family maintenance

Reference received: ​29 June 1966

Substitute reference received: 15 October 1973

Note: See also Uniform succession laws (1995-2009)


Report 28: The Testator’s Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act 1916 (PDF, 497.9 KB), June 1977

Working paper 

​Working Paper 12: Testator’s Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act 1916 (PDF, 7.2 MB)

Terms of reference

To review the law relating to cases where the dispositions (if any) made by a deceased person during his life or by will do not make due provision for dependants and others including, in particular, the provisions of the Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916 (except, save as to incidental matters, the provisions of that Act relating to guardianship) and section 61A of the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898, and incidental matters.

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